Saturday, March 01, 2008

Why my family is better than yours.

My aunt sends me text messages like this:

"Just heard a new British term for naughty bits: vegetables!"

Can't beat that. Educational.


Natalie said...

Oh my, and I thought my family was interesting.

Gawain said...

Was that my mother?

Marie said...

Natalie -- We do kids' parties, if you're ever in the market.

Gawain -- I think you already know the answer to that.

The rest of her text message recalled with fondness the disturbing carrot we found that one year at Cannon Beach. I'm sure you remember the one. My innocence died with that carrot.

Jessica said...

you are hilarious - and you clearly come by it naturally. cheers!

Gawain said...

Yes...silly of me to even ask.

i i eee said...

I like the youtube videos your brother has made. That takes some guts too, since the internet is crawling with vicious comments made by haters of our religion.

triciab said...

wow. I lived in the UK for the first 30 years of my life and never heard such a thing! How about family allowance? I'll explain sometime :-)

wynne said...

Wow, marie. You didn't need to rub it in. *sniff*

And where did you gals get the stogies, anyway?

Marie said...

Jess -- Yes, apparently the humor gene is linked to the double chin gene.

ii eee -- I'll tell him you liked them. He craves feedback.

Wynne -- That's my grandma and two crazy aunts. They're smoking spicy beef sticks. My uncle always brought them to Christmas and we'd see who could eat the most without taking a drink of water.